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Sitting on the couch, arm extended ahead of her as the reflection of the large screen across the room from her changed. She made a fool of herself. She had made a fool of herself. Having been tormented by na figure she could touch, see so clearly, every definition looked just like him. From the speckles of color in his eyes to the gentle age lines starting to show on his forehead. The smell, it was him. The voice as it baratted her, the anger in his eyes one she knew all too well and feared. The rolling of her stomach, the panic that took over her body when she knew she was the cause of his anger. It was all there, nothing telling her that it wasn't real.
The only thing that confused her was how he acted online when she tried to confront him and get answers. He was lost, pissed that she was pissed and being a horrible person to him, while blaming him for destroying her. He stopped talking to her, leaving her in her high of panic, feeling like she was losing her mind to stew in his anger. Sometimes she wished they would at least work through an argument for once rather than both taking off and avoiding; it felt unhealthy and left so many things between them. Sometimes she wondered if he really wanted to be married to her or if it was purely out of obligation at this point. His loyalty and how engrained in him that he needed to care for her, she was starting to feel that if she left, just left it would be better for him. She knew she wouldn't be able to come back and everything would be right, or for him to even comprehend how she did think it was for him. Perhaps it was the exact feeling and reasoning why Danica couldn't comprehend why Arthur simply wanted to be friends; her benefit. It wasn't in her eyes just as if she left it wouldn't look that way to him. The images changed on the screen ahead of her randomly, settling on nothing as her thoughts kept eating at her. Was it all in her head? Was she losing it finally? Maybe she should look into finding homes for Danica, get her taken care of since it felt as if nobody else was going to help her; everyone seeming to be off and dealing with enough of their own bullshit. Danica was weak, in the sense that she needed reminders that she was important to people. She could tell anyone she was confident that her friends loved her but she would be the first one to get hurt behind closed doors when they make fun of her. She was insecure, and for some reason had skewed self-esteem and abandonment issues that Mera couldn't keep in check. Mera was having a hard time this week keeping herself separate from Danica, as the other seemed desperate to give her full flood of emotions. It was evening; her legs stretched out with her feet crossed one over the other at the ankle, resting on the coffee table ahead of her. The dogs sat up from their curled up positions next to her on the couch. Their ears at attention, they kept a close eye on the door; hearing something she couldn't. She didn't even notice until they both started barking then barreled off the couch, almost tripping over each other as they ran through the livingroom, kitchen, down the hall and to the door. “Hey boys, did you miss me?” Her head turned, and noticed the blonde. She unho0lded her legs, feet on the floor as she put the controller on the table and she stood up. He looked like he had just gotten off work, laptop messenger bag draped over his right shoulder. He was crouched down, both arms around the dogs as they enthusiastically jumped and wagged tails, fighting each other in the most brotherly of ways to get attention from him. She knew Arthur didn't live here, what could he possibly be here for? Neither version was one to go and apologize or work with her to figure out the miscommunication. He stood and walked to her, arm wrapping around her, hand open palmed on the small of her back. There it was again, everything looked, smelled, it was him but wasn't. He wasn't this way with her, this was too much like what she imagined they would be, could be. He tilted his head only slightly to place a kiss to her lips. The parted slightly, he said nothing but smiled at her. She was ready to say a million things but just then this small voice excitedly came into her apartment. “Mommy, mommy! Daddy took me to work and, and and…” He was so excited he had to catch his breath. “He let me feed the otters!” The voice finally had a face as it came around the larger man and into her focus. It was him. It felt as if someone punched her in the gut, she became winded and gasped, tears filling in her eyes immediately. She fell to her knees just as the little boy ran to her, her arms opened and the boy held her close. She closed her arms and hugged him tightly. She couldn't control the tears, clenching her jaw closed to keep from choking on the sobs that wanted out. “Better get him to bed.” The other said as he ruffled the top of her unruly curls. “You put him to bed for me tonight? I need to go over a few things.” He disappeared into her bedroom. The little boy pushed back from her arms and grabbed her hand, forcing her to her feet as he lead her to her spare room. But this room, it was't the spare room. It was a little boys' room. For a while she got lost in the moment, laughed with him, joked, asked him to recollect the day to her in as much detail. She tickled him to get him to laugh, helped him get ready for bed. She got about a dozen hugs out of him. Once he was was settled into bed with the blankets drawn up to his chest, arms over the blankets. She leaned in to kiss him on the forehead. “I love you, little man.” She reached over and was about to turn off the lantern when the little boy grabbed her arm. “Why did you not love me mommy?” Her head spun back to look at him quickly, eyebrows furrowed. “I have always and will always love you.” The little boy looked her over. “Then why were you a bad mommy and let me die?” Her eyes widened as the little boy sat up in his bed. “You didn't care enough, you never did. You couldn't do what other mommy's do and protect their children. You're the worst mommy ever.” Just then the little boy pushed her, hitting her hard enough she flew back into the wall. She slide down, eyes closed in the moment, opening once she finally stopped sliding down the wall and was sitting on the floor. Her eyes opened and she was in the spare bedroom; yet again all alone.